Adobe Illustrator Introduction

 Today in class we began the introduction and transition to using Adobe Illustrator. 

In high school I took many graphic design classes where I learned the basics of Adobe Illustrator so this is kind of like a test to see how much I remember. I am excited to use Adobe Illustrator because as a marketing major I will be using this software to create advertisement and marketing campaigns so I want to become as proficient to set myself apart from other colleagues. 

During class time we were given the chance to play around and get used to the software so first thing that came to mind was home, where I grew up, New Jersey. I used the pen tool and traced the map of New Jersey. Then I used the type tool to show some places and towns that stick out to me. I added a home icon and airplane icon for my hometown and airport I fly out of. I taught myself how to use the type tool on a line which is really cool. 

In conclusion, I am excited to see what other tools I will learn and all the future projects!


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